Over the next 10-15 years many baby-boomer business owners will need to decide how they will I transition out of their business. This blog series started with an overview of "Strategies for a Successful Business Exit". this was followed with "The B … [Read more...]
The Situation Assessment
Over the next 10-15 years many baby-boomer business owners will need to decide, How will I transition out of my business? In my previous blog "Strategies for an Effective Business Exit", I introduced the elements of a Business Transition Process … [Read more...]
Strategies for an Effective Business Exit
In this blog I want to address the issue of the large number of baby-boomers (born 1946-1965) who own Canadian small-to-medium size enterprises (SME's - businesses with revenues ranging from $5M-$30M) and are at a critical point in their careers as … [Read more...]
How will the Chinese Market affect your Business?
The Chinese market is constantly evolving and is projected to continue to expand over the course of the next 30 years. Exponential population growth has led to increasing consumerism, and production. Whether you are exporting or importing, our … [Read more...]
Seven business plan sins to avoid
As a business consultant and MBA prof, I am often called on to help out with or critique business plans. Inevitably, the businesses that fail to get funding or even get off the ground have made similar errors with their business plans. Here are what … [Read more...]